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Sunday School

Teaching the children of God how to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Sunday School

Hungars Church Sunday School: Through storytelling, parables and imagination the children learn about God and how to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindliness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. In the summertime we learn through a group craft project. The children help serve at the annual spaghetti dinner and help fill the Operation Christmas Child boxes.

When: We leave for Sunday School (in the Parish House) right before the sermon.

Anyone who loves and enjoys children is welcome to teach or help with an activity. Please speak to Cindy Walker or contact the Cure Office at

Christ Church currently has no Sunday School. If children attend services, we welcome them to sit with their parents and hope they enjoy the service. We love having children in our church and hope at some future time to have enough interest to conduct a Sunday School.

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